RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL: Metro Rio representatives will travel to Chile to learn about facilities and procedures of Metro de Santiago terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2014
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Led by Marcio Guilherme, Collection Manager; Carlos Eduardo Cavalcante, Tariff Revenue Coordinator; Paul Benicio Bizerra, Operations and Safety in Stations Coordinator; and Miguel Luiz Lopes Moreira, Security and Intelligence Coordinator, a delegation of Metro Rio will meet technology and modern facilities of Metro Santiago,  during this week.


The arrival of the Brazilian group is expected this Wednesday (September 23th), to be received by Carolina Matus, Deputy for International Development, and Laure Helene Filhol, Head of International Relations at Metro Santiago, who will present the general guidelines on which the company relies on.


During the afternoon, Carmen Gloria Serrat, Assistant of Travel Experience and Passenger Communication, will delve into the Strategy and School of Service to the User that the Chilean subway has successfully implemented in the country, system that has gained great prestige on a  international level.


For Thursday and Friday, the Metro Rio representatives will study protocols of intelligence, security, and operating in stations, by traveling in the cabin of a metro cart on Line 5, visiting Maintenance Workshops in San Eugenio, Ñuñoa, and practical exercises and crisis management in Baquedano Station.


The visit will conclude with a presentation of the group of Metro Rio, as a seal of sharing experiences with Metro de Santiago, which will allow mutual incorporation of best practices for the pure benefit of passengers.